Over the past couple of years I have been in a few similar circumstances where it seems I find myself on the other side of a locked door after I thought I was given the key to freely come and go. This has been mind boggling and it has also been very wounding emotionally, spiritually and I have even found physically harmful because the stress of it begins to impact my health.

This time I pondered and I discovered perhaps regarding this pattern of experiences I was asking the wrong question. The question could be, "What is wrong with them?" This isn't a prideful question, I have done the work of reflecting on my attitudes and my actions however I have found that when insecurity holds the keys I will always find myself holding a key that no longer unlocks the doors that were promised to me. What's wrong with them? Insecurity. Not able to see the gift in me or the gift of me and therefore while I think I am standing outside of the place where I was once free? I realize that it was not a place of freedom after all. It's when I am locked out that I discover I am the one standing in the place of freedom.
What's the invitation? The Spirit asks, "How do you respond when it's not you?" My response, I move forward, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and I practice gratitude for the Spirit's grace of preventing me from being a slave to insecurity.