Monday, February 4, 2013

If the truth be told...

When I was younger I can recall my mom using the expression "if the truth be told" and then she would say what the truth was. I only heard her use that expression when she was preparing someone to hear what truth she wanted to share.

We can use this expression as an invitation to check in with ourselves and discover what is really going on in our hearts and minds.

Take some time to be quiet and listen to the Holy Spirit reveal to you what is really going on.  You could say:

"Holy Spirit I welcome you to reveal the truth of what's going on with me, mentally, emotionally, physically and/or spiritually."

So today,  if the truth be told...

I am overwhelmed and distracted.
I am longing for peace and focus.

I learned through a wise friend that we should ask God to bless the people we love, or those whose lives we have the opportunity to influence with what we are longing for. Soo...

May Jesus bless you with peace and focus today.

And if you would be so kind would you mind offering that same blessing back to me?  Say:

"Joycelyn, may Jesus bless you with peace and focus today."


You are invited to tell the truth in the comment box and let me bless you! May Jesus bless you with...

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