One morning during my meditation times, the Lord told me that He would get my enemies back for me, but He wanted to use me to get them back. He reminded me that the people who were misjudging me where His children. He was their Creator and He told me that His son Jesus died on the cross and was raised from the dead for them, just as he had for me. He let me know that I had a great responsibility toward the very people that made it their business to hurt me. God said, "When people slander your name and misjudge your character they are furthest from me because I have nothing to do with sin."
People who seek to steal our joy have stepped out of the comfort zone of God-God's will- and into the danger zone with the devil. That's a dangerous place to be and it's our responsibility to get them back into the safety zone (God's will). We must not let them remain in the danger zone of jealousy, bitterness, unforgiveness or other problems that they may have. We must get them back. How do we do that? God's Word gives us the formula. We must forgive, love, bless and pray for our enemies (Mark 11:25, 1 Cor. 13: 4-8, Matt. 5:44 and Romans 12:14). If we present our request to God He will answer and there is no greater blessing than to be a blessing to someone else. It's not easy to forgive, love, bless and pray for those whose intentions are to cause us pain but we must remember that we must stay in the safety zone with Christ. We can't allow ourselves to become bitter and angry towards our enemies because if we do, then we will be defeated and destroyed.
WHAT's THE INVITATION? Get your enemies back- in the will of God by forgiving them, loving them and praying for them to have an encounter with God that will reveal the length width and depth of God's love for them.
1. Get a piece of paper and a pen. Ask God to bring the names of the people that have been persecuting you, that you believe are intentionally trying to hurt you. Ask God if your perception regarding your experiences with them are correct? They may not be your enemies, it could just be a simple misunderstanding. If God reveals that you do have someone intentionally trying to cause you pain then go to #2.
2. Pray and ask God would give you the willingness to forgive, love, bless and pray for them. Ask God to let you see them from His perspective. Ask God to give you a heart of compassion towards
3. Pray that they be reconciled back into the safety zone-God's will by asking God to remove their ill will towards you. Then ask that the two of you be reconciled.
4. Ask God to provide opportunities for you to be a blessing to those individuals or that person.
Getting your enemies back-with Christ- is sweeter than revenge.
(I wrote this article in July 1998 when I was creating a monthly newsletter
and thought I would tweak it a little and share it with you, I am going to put more
of those articles on this blog check back and see!)
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