Today while I was praying about this area of frustration in my life I asked the Lord what was He trying to reveal to me through this experience. I asked because I had discovered that I was picking and choosing who I would text and who I would talk to. This led me to discover several principles that I am taking away from this experience. Perhaps it will help you to discern when you should use your voice.
The definition of value: to consider with respect to worth, excellence, usefulness, or importance; to regard or esteem highly:(taken from Webster's Dictionary)
The primary revelation:

other revelations:
- Your voice is never wasted when you are speaking with someone who is willing to listen. Even if you disagree.
- Choose wisely to whom you give the strength of your voice to.
- Being silent is oftentimes the best way to give strength to your voice so that when you speak, your voice is strong.
- People who value your voice will help you protect your voice when necessary.
What is the invitation? The invitation is to only speak when you are in the company of someone who values what you have to say. This requires you to wait and to listen to the Holy Spirit say, "you can use your voice now".
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